Sand, sensation and body in Sandplay therapy. Neurobiology of complex developmental trauma. The importance of play, sensation and use of sand in healing complex developmental trauma. Includes a case study.
The case material will be used to illustrate the process of recovery from complex developmental trauma and the development of a heathy functioning ego. His Sandplay process will be explored through Separation from the Mother-Child unity, the emergence of the Hero archetype and finally, the Transformation stage. These stages mirror the historical stages in the evolution of consciousness in mankind as described by Neumann.
Clinical skill sets is an important part of holding the client into the heart of the journey. Through witnessing Sandplay trays, students will strengthen the understanding of the ‘open and protected’ space of solid and healthy containment; appropriating an experience of strong feelings and thoughts that perhaps, were hidden away.
Sand, sensation and body in Sandplay therapy. Neurobiology of complex developmental trauma. The importance of play, sensation and use of sand in healing complex developmental trauma. Includes a case study.
The case material will be used to illustrate the process of recovery from complex developmental trauma and the development of a heathy functioning ego. His Sandplay process will be explored through Separation from the Mother-Child unity, the emergence of the Hero archetype and finally, the Transformation stage. These stages mirror the historical stages in the evolution of consciousness in mankind as described by Neumann.
Clinical skill sets is an important part of holding the client into the heart of the journey. Through witnessing Sandplay trays, students will strengthen the understanding of the ‘open and protected’ space of solid and healthy containment; appropriating an experience of strong feelings and thoughts that perhaps, were hidden away.
Sand, sensation and body in Sandplay therapy. Neurobiology of complex developmental trauma. The importance of play, sensation and use of sand in healing complex developmental trauma. Includes a case study.
The case material will be used to illustrate the process of recovery from complex developmental trauma and the development of a heathy functioning ego. His Sandplay process will be explored through Separation from the Mother-Child unity, the emergence of the Hero archetype and finally, the Transformation stage. These stages mirror the historical stages in the evolution of consciousness in mankind as described by Neumann.